PostGIS Special Functions Index
PostGIS is an extension to the PostgreSQL object-relational database system which allows GIS (Geographic Information Systems) objects to be stored in the database. PostGIS includes support for GiST-based R-Tree spatial indexes, and functions for analysis and processing of GIS objects.
Postgres Installation and initiation:
Check below setting in: Terminal-> Preferences
shells open with : /bin/bash
1) nano .bash_profile
Give the path as :-
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
File: .bash_profile:
Also need to be add postgis extension as below.
Example of Some Function as below.
->Run below command in terminal.
Shp2pgsql -I -D -s 4326 '/Users/rachin_jain/Documents/Detection_Data/BR27009/Unmatched_mail_data/Address_issue_todo.shp'
br27009.unmatched_wave_todo | psql -d postgres
b) Copy Data from csv to postgress in local system :-
copy poi_br23009.poi from '/Users/rachin_jain/Documents/mail_creation/POI_DATA/23009/123/poi_23009_final_upload.csv' HEADER DELIMITER ',' CSV;
c)Copy Data from csv to postgress in server :-
psql -h -p 5433 -U rachin_jain -d prc_addressing_db -c "\copy poi_vendor_data_latest.br12001_poi_final from '/Users/rachin_jain/Documents/mail_creation/POI_DATA/12001/BR12001.csv' HEADER DELIMITER ',' CSV;"
d) Loading Shp into Postgress(Server):-
shp2pgsql -I -D -s 4326 '/Users/rachin_jain/Downloads/BR9002/files/BR90022018-11-06a/BR9002_06112018_0_UNMATCHED_PRIMARY.shp' br17031.unmatched_primary | psql -h -p 5433 -d prc_addressing_db -U rachin_jain
e) Download shp from Postgress(Server) :-
pgsql2shp -f /Users/rachin_jain/Documents/Analysis_for_coverage/MAIL_data/test.shp -h -P password123 -p 5433 -d prc_addressing_db br24005.br24005_poi
f) Download shp from Postgress(local) :-
pgsql2shp -f /Users/rachin_jain/Documents/Analysis_for_coverage/MAIL_data/test.shp -h localhost -P postgres -p 5432 -d postgres br3001.br3001_cl_parcel
g)example to load geopackage in postgress
Following is a command-line example to load geopackage (.gpkg) data to PostGIS database.
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL "PG:user=rachinj dbname=Geocoding schemas=uk" /Users/rachin_jain/Desktop/UK/Difference/Birimingham/Differ_data_xyz.gpkg
2) Add Geometry column & update geom:-
SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('br27009','unmatched_wave_todo','geom',4326,'POINT',2);
update br27009.unmatched_wave_todo
set geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(lon::float, lat::float), 4326);
Add multiple column having default value:-
alter table b5.buildings
add column house_num varchar(255),
add column hno_is_dup bool default(false),
add column is_dup bool default(false),
add column is_in_repo bool default(false);
3) Index Query for Geometry column:-
CREATE INDEX detection_geom_sidx
ON br27009.unmatched_wave_todo USING gist (geom);
Drop INDEX br27009.MATCH_INGEST_hsn_idx1;
CREATE INDEX MATCH_INGEST_hsn_idx1 ON br27009.unmatched_wave_todo(hsn);
4) Cast Command if geomatry not updating:-
CAST(nullif(long, '') AS float )
CAST(nullif(lat, '') AS float )
update br23008_mail_build.interpolate_23008 set long = CAST(nullif(long, '') AS float )
update br23008_mail_build.interpolate_23008 set lat = CAST(nullif(lat, '') AS float )
update br23008_mail_build.interpolate_23008
set geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(long::float, lat::float), 4326);
buffer Query 10 mtr----
alter table br27009.unmatched_wave_todo
Add column pt_buff10m geometry
Update br27009.unmatched_wave_todo
Set pt_buff10m = st_buffer(geom, 0.0001)
for 0.5 mtr buffer example
alter table br27009.unmatched_wave_todo
Add column pt_buff_0_5m geometry
Update br27009.unmatched_wave_todo
Set pt_buff_0_5m = st_buffer(geom, 0.000005)
For 20 mtr:-st_buffer(geom, 0.0002)
For 50 mtr:-st_buffer(geom, 0.0005)
For 100 mtr:-st_buffer(geom, 0.0010)
5) Intersect query spatially :-
create table br27009.Detection_Todos_with20m_CL_parcel_with_matching_HSN
select a.ticket_id,a.todo_id,st_astext(a.geom),a.todo_descr,a.todo_title,a.house_number,b.addr,b.parcel_id,,b.house_num_cl
br27009.detection_todo_after_remove_matching_with_cl_parcel a,
br27009.CL_parcel_after_exclude_match_ingest_parcel b
where st_intersects(a.pt_buff20m,b.geom) and a.house_number=b.house_num_cl
6) For Checkinh Stack point of same table:-
alter table br27009.detection_todo_after_remove_null_featureid_47596
Add column pt_buff_0_5m geometry
Update br27009.detection_todo_after_remove_null_featureid_47596
Set pt_buff_0_5m = st_buffer(geom, 0.000005)
create table br27009.stack_detection_todo as
select a.* from br27009.detection_todo_after_remove_null_featureid_47596 a,
br27009.detection_todo_after_remove_null_featureid_47596 b
where st_intersects(a.pt_buff_0_5m,b.geom) and a.house_number!=b.house_number
7) Cluster Query:-
create table br16006.br16006_building_buff as
SELECT generate_subscripts((ST_ClusterWithin(geom,0.0005)),1) gid,
ST_Buffer(unnest(ST_ClusterWithin(geom,0.0005)),0.0002) geom,
ST_NumGeometries( unnest(ST_ClusterWithin(geom,0.0005))) bldg_count
FROM br16006.br16006_building;
8) Case Function:-
case when prefix is null then 'np' else 'p' end
update br27009.unmatched_wave_todo_136954
set is_detection_flag = CASE WHEN (todo_descr like '% detection%') THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END;
update br3003_analysis.cl_parcel_queens set is_flag =case when
in(select parcel_id from br3003_analysis.address_point_in_cl_parcel)) then 'Yes' else 'No' end
update br3004_analysis.temp
set low_count = (case when np_count>p_count then 'p_count' else 'np_count' end);
update br3004_analysis.temp a
set p_count = b.p_count
( select address, (case when prefix is null then 'np' else 'p' end) as pref, count(*) as p_count
from br3004_analysis.roadsegment_having_prefix_connector_mixed_apt
where prefix is not null
group by address, pref) b
where a.address = b.address;
9) Remove duplicate Value based on column:-
delete from br3001.todo_falling_in_range_3node_base where ctid in (
MIN(b.ctid) AS actid,
ARRAY_AGG(ctid) AS all_ctids
FROM br3001.todo_falling_in_range_3node_base b
GROUP BY todo_id
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) c);
10) Calculate Start Point and end point geomatry of line :-
ST_StartPoint(ST_LineMerge(geom))as geom
ST_EndPoint(ST_LineMerge(geom)) as geom
select from_node as node, ST_StartPoint(ST_LineMerge(geom))as geom
from br3001."road_segment_BR_3001"
union all
select to_node as node, ST_EndPoint(ST_LineMerge(geom)) as geom
from br3001."road_segment_BR_3001"
11) Even Odd Function:-
Even= CAST(nullif(house_number, '') AS integer) %2 = 0;
Odd= CAST(nullif(house_number, '') AS integer) %2 != 0;
12) Like ANY Array Function:-
LIKE ANY(ARRAY['%1%','%2%','%3%','%4%','%5%','%6%','%7%','%8%','%9%','%0%'])
LIKE ANY(ARRAY['% NW%','% NE%','% SW%','% SE%','% N','% E','% W','% S'])
NOT LIKE ALL (ARRAY['NW','NE','SW','SE','N','E','W','S'])
select btrim(regexp_replace("street",'(.*)( .*?)','\2')),street from br23009_feb22_deliverables6.br23009_match_ingest1
where btrim(regexp_replace("street",'(.*)( .*?)','\2')) not in (select suffix_form FROM spec.abbreviations)
and btrim(regexp_replace("street",'(.*)( .*?)','\2')) NOT LIKE ALL (ARRAY['NW','NE','SW','SE','N','E','W','S'])
13) Buffer and dissolve Query:-
ST_Union(ST_Buffer(geom, 0.0015))
drop table if exists b5.buildings_dup_buffer_dissolve;
create table b5.buildings_dup_buffer_dissolve as
select house_num, ST_Union(ST_Buffer(geom, 0.0015)) as geom
from b5.buildings where is_dup = true
---Create duplicates buffer and dissolve ---- Single part
drop table if exists b5.buildings_dup_buffer_single_part;
create table b5.buildings_dup_buffer_single_part as
select house_num, (ST_Dump(geom)).geom as geom
from b5.buildings_dup_buffer_dissolve;
14) Distance Query:-
Function:- ST_Distance(a.geom::geography, b.geom::geography)
Function:- ST_DWithin(a.geom, b.geom, 0.0015)
Example1:- (200 Mtr)
select a.*,b.* from analysis_br23003.unmatched_primary a , analysis_br23003.mail_interpolate b where
a.hsn_street = b.hsn_street and
ST_DWithin(a.geom, b.geom, 0.0020)
update nmdr.match_ingest_poi_addr a
set feature_id_tm = b.feature_id,
address_tm = b.address,
distance = round(st_distance(a.geom::geography, b.geom::geography)::numeric, 2)
from nmdr.address_points b where
upper(a.cl_address_ordinal_mod) = upper(b.address);
Points within parcels:-
Function:- ST_Within(a.geom, b.geom)
create table br4004.mail_points_within_cl_parcels as
select a.*, b.geom_repo as mail_geom
from br4004.cl_parcels a, br4004.mail2 b
where ST_Within(a.geom, b.geom)
15) Copy table data into CSV file:-
copy (select row_number() over(order by cluster_id, s_no, street, house_num) as sl_no, feature_id, house_num, street, location, is_duplicate
from b5.buildings_not_in_repo2
order by cluster_id, s_no, street, house_num)
to '/Users/rachin_jain/Documents/b5/Validation/buildings_not_in_repo.csv' with csv header delimiter ',';
Copy table data from server into csv file:-
psql -h -p 5433 -U rachin_jain -d prc_addressing_db -c "\copy (select id,gid,longitude,latitude,poi_vendor_id,poi_name,address,city_name,state_code,postal_code,country,poi_vendor_name,business_category,modified_address,fips,postal_code_final,standardized_address
from poi_vendor_data_latest.br24003_poi) to '/Users/rachin_jain/Documents/mail_creation/POI_DATA/BR24003_POI.csv'with csv header delimiter ','"
16) Substring Function :-
1)if address like "009 AB Road" then output is "9"
house_number=TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM substring(column_Name from '^[0-9]+'))
A) if address like "009 AB Road" then output is "009"
house_number=substring(column_Name from '^[0-9]+')
house_number=substring(feature_id from '^\d+$')
B) if address like "119A E 4TH ST" then output is "119A"
3) If Value like F-100234444000 THEN output is "100234444000"
a) right(feature_id ,length(feature_id)-2)
b) substring(feature_id from '[0-9]+')
c) substring(feature_id from '\d+$')
Example:- select substring(todo_id from '\d+$'),todo_id
from br3001_analysis_category.matching_interpolate
4) If address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "RD"
means from Last space value is require
a) substring(todo_title,'[A-Z]+$')
b) regexp_replace("todo_title",'(.*)( .*?)','\2')
c) split_part("todo_title" ,' ',array_length(regexp_split_to_array("todo_title" ,' '),1))
5) If address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "117 OLD FARM"
means from Last space value is not require
a) regexp_replace("todo_title",'(.*)( .*?)','\1')
a) If address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "OLD FARM RD"
b)If address like "117A OLD FARM RD" then output is "OLD FARM RD"
c) If address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "FARM RD"
d) If address like "117 Old Farm Rd" then output is "Farm Rd"
7) If address like "OLD FARM RD" then output is "OLD"
or address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "117"
substring(todo_title,'(^.*?) .*$')
Last chracter till 3 words:-
if value like this "Matching in range" and value if you want "nge" then
if value like this "117 OLD FARM RD" and value nothing came if last word less than 3
8)Position Query
a)if value like "Matching with no address house number in range" and output require
"Matching to CL "
SUBSTR(todo_descr,0,position('house' in todo_descr))
b)if value like "Matching with no address house number in range" and output require
"in range"
SUBSTR(todo_descr,position('house number' in todo_descr)+13)
split_part(todo_descr,'house number',2)
9)/* Replace Function */
if value like "Matching with no address house number in range" and output require
"Matching with no address Hno in range"
10) Bittrim function(Remove unwanted space in starting and last:-
update br23002_feb6.poi_data set combined_address=btrim(combined_address)
11) /* one letter from starting */
address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "1"
select (substring(combined_address,'\w{1}')),combined_address
from br12001_qc.mail_additional_source_match_final
where combined_address ~ '^[A-Z]{1}$'
12) /* first letter numbers */
address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "117"
select combined_address,streetname,zipcode,state,city,county_code,dpv_confirm,hsn,hsn_prefix,hsn_suffix,full_hsn
from colorado.br36002_wb
where combined_address ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]+$'
13) /* just letters */
address like "1020 GUSTAFSON AVE 24060" then output is "GUSTAFSON AVE"
Example:- select (substring(combined_address,'\D+')),combined_address
from br12001_qc.mail_additional_source_match_final where combined_address ~ '^[A-Z]+$'
17) Intersect query based on attribute
select * from br3004_analysis.address_point_br3004_apt where address in(
(SELECT address FROM br3004_analysis.address_point_br3004_apt WHERE pref_conn='-' or prefix is not null)
(select address from br3004_analysis.address_point_br3004_apt where prefix is null))
18) Identify Duplicate value based on multiple value which are intersecting with 10 M buffer of any other layer Using Over Partition
Update br27009.detection_todo_68233
set is_duplicate_flag='Y' where is_duplicate_flag is null and todo_id in
(select todo_id from
(select ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY b.parcel_id,a.house_number order by b.parcel_id,a.house_number, a.feature_id asc) row_num ,a.ticket_id
from br27009.detection_todo_68233 a, br27009.cl_parcel b
where ST_Intersects(a.pt_buff10m, b.geom) ) t where t.row_num > 1 )
19)Change column name OF TABLE:-
alter table poi_vendor_data_latest.opentable Rename column "Address" to address
20) Make line between two point:-(-- Hooklines)
st_makeline(a.geom, b.geom)
create table analysis_br23002.line as
select a.* ,st_makeline(a.geom, b.geom)as geom,round(ST_Distance(a.geom::geography, b.geom::geography)::numeric, 2) as length_m,b.hsn_street as cl_street from analysis_br23002.mail_interpolate a ,analysis_br23002.unmatched_primary b
where a.hsn_street=b.hsn_street and ST_DWithin(a.geom, b.geom, 0.0020)
create table b5.hook_lines as
select t4.*
(select t1.feature_id, ST_AsText(t1.geom) as location, t1.segment_id, t1.house_num, t1.street as street_apt, t3.full_name as street_road, t2.geom as end_point,
round(ST_Distance(t1.geom::geography, t2.geom::geography)::numeric, 2) as length_m, ST_Makeline(t1.geom, t2.geom) as geom
from b5.address_points t1, b5.access_points t2, b5.road_segments t3
where t2.access_type = 'ADDRESS' and
t1.feature_id = t2.feature_id and
t2.segment_id = t3.feature_id
union all
select t1.feature_id, 'POINT('||t1.reppt_x||' '||t1.reppt_y||')' as location, t1.segment_id, t1.house_num, t1.street as street_apt, t3.full_name as street_road, t2.geom as end_point,
round(ST_Distance(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(t1.reppt_x, t1.reppt_y), 4326)::geography, t2.geom::geography)::numeric, 2) as length_m,
ST_Makeline(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(t1.reppt_x, t1.reppt_y), 4326), t2.geom) as geom
from b5.address_parcels t1, b5.access_points t2, b5.road_segments t3
where t2.access_type = 'ADDRESS' and
t1.feature_id = t2.feature_id and
t2.segment_id = t3.feature_id) t4;
21) a) Copy Schema from my local to server:-
pg_dump -C -U rachin_jain -d postgres -n poi_br23009 | psql -h -U rachin_jain -d prc_addressing_db -p 5433
Then reassign access to user:-
reassign owned by rachin_jain to du_addressdb;
b) Copy schema From server to my local:
pg_dump -C -h -U rachin_jain -d postgres -n poi_br23009 | psql -U rachin_jain -d postgres
22)Unnest Function:- (Splitting range records or / having records in multiple records.
unnest(string_to_array(segments, '/'))
If single feature id having value 123456/987546,then this commands create 2 records
in table with other column with same records.
create table br27009.address_range_final as
select *,unnest(string_to_array(segments, '/')) segment_id from br27009.address_range_with_slash
23) delete records from table:-
Delete from poi_sources.poi_br23009;
Truncate table br3001.cl_in_mail_format
Based on attribute
delete from br12001_qc.unmatched_primary where combined_address in (select combined_address from br12001_qc.delete_unmatched_primary_records )
alter table final_br11006_28.match_supressed alter column geom type geometry(point,4326) using st_geometryN(geom, 1);
25) Insert into command:-
insert into br27009.address_range_final (gid,feature_id,l_a_parity,l_a_from,l_a_to,l_a_unnum,r_a_from,r_a_to,r_a_unnum, segments,name,geom,segment_id)
select gid,feature_id,l_a_parity,l_a_from,l_a_to,l_a_unnum,r_a_from,r_a_to,r_a_unnum, segments,name,geom::geometry,feature_id from
br27009.address_range_final where segments is null;
26) Update function :-
update br4004.cl_parcels_with_bldg_n_mail_info as t1
set mail_all = t2.count
from (select gid, count(*)
from br4004.mail_points_within10m_of_cl_parcels
group by gid) t2
where t1.gid = t2.gid;
update br4004.cl_parcels_with_bldg_n_mail_info as t1
set mail_geom = t2.mail_geom,
mail_hsn_full = t2.full_hsn,
mail_addr = t2.official_a
from br4004.mail_points_within10m_of_cl_parcels t2
where t1.gid = t2.gid
update nmdr.match_ingest_poi_addr a
set feature_id = b.feature_id,
prefix = b.prefix,
pref_conn = b.pref_conn,
house_num = b.house_num,
from nmdr.address_points b
where a.feature_id is null and
a.hsn = b.house_num and
st_dwithin(a.geom, b.geom, 0.0002)
update nmdr.match_ingest_poi_addr a
set vee_exists = true
where feature_id in (select distinct feature_id
from nmdr.access_points
where access_typ = 'VEHICLE_ENTRY')
27)Unit value updating in column :-
row_number() over(order by geom) as serial_no
create table poi_vendor_data_latest.merge_poi_source_final1 as
Select row_number() over(order by geom) as serial_no,* from poi_vendor_data_latest.merge_poi_source_final
alter table poi_vendor_data_latest.merge_poi_source_final add column gid serial
28) Copy schema From local to server:
/Applications/ -C -U ezhilmathi_porchezhian -h localhost -d postgres -n s18 | psql -h -p 5433 -U ezhilmathi_porchezhian -d prc_addressing_db
copy schema From server to local:
/Applications/ -C -h -p 5433 -U ezhilmathi_porchezhian -d prc_addressing_db -n indiana_22_jan | psql -U ezhilmathi_porchezhian -h localhost -d postgres
29) /* filters out data */
1)/* one letter */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}$'
UPDATE colorado.br36002_wb
SET hsn = (substring(PriDelvNo,'\w{1}'))
WHERE PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}$'
2)/* letter numbers */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]+$'
UPDATE colorado.br36002_wb
SET hsn = (substring(PriDelvNo,'\w+'))
WHERE PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]+$'
3)/* just letters */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]+$'
4) /* letter numbers letter */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]+[A-Z]{1}$'
5)/* numbers + letters */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{2}$'
6)/* number letter - number*/
PriDelvNo ~ '^[0-9]{1}[A-Z]+[-]{1}[0-9]{1}$'
7)/* letter - number letter*/
PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[-]{1}[0-9]{1}[A-Z]{1}$'
UPDATE colorado.br36002_wb
SET hsn = (substring(PriDelvNo,'\w+'))
WHERE PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[-]{1}[0-9]{1}[A-Z]{1}$'
8) /* numbers + letter*/
PriDelvNo ~ '^[0-9]+[A-Z]{1}$'
9) /* numbers letter number */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[0-9]+[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{1}$'
10)/* numers - numbers */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[0-9]+[-]{1}[0-9]+$'
30) Delete wrong geom from any layer
DELETE from multipolygons where ST_IsValid(geom)=false;
1) Loading Shp into Postgress(Local):-
->Run below command in terminal.
Shp2pgsql -I -D -s 4326 '/Users/rachin_jain/Documents/Detection_Data/BR27009/Unmatched_mail_data/Address_issue_todo.shp'
br27009.unmatched_wave_todo | psql -d postgres
b) Copy Data from csv to postgress in local system :-
copy poi_br23009.poi from '/Users/rachin_jain/Documents/mail_creation/POI_DATA/23009/123/poi_23009_final_upload.csv' HEADER DELIMITER ',' CSV;
c)Copy Data from csv to postgress in server :-
psql -h -p 5433 -U rachin_jain -d prc_addressing_db -c "\copy poi_vendor_data_latest.br12001_poi_final from '/Users/rachin_jain/Documents/mail_creation/POI_DATA/12001/BR12001.csv' HEADER DELIMITER ',' CSV;"
d) Loading Shp into Postgress(Server):-
shp2pgsql -I -D -s 4326 '/Users/rachin_jain/Downloads/BR9002/files/BR90022018-11-06a/BR9002_06112018_0_UNMATCHED_PRIMARY.shp' br17031.unmatched_primary | psql -h -p 5433 -d prc_addressing_db -U rachin_jain
e) Download shp from Postgress(Server) :-
pgsql2shp -f /Users/rachin_jain/Documents/Analysis_for_coverage/MAIL_data/test.shp -h -P password123 -p 5433 -d prc_addressing_db br24005.br24005_poi
f) Download shp from Postgress(local) :-
pgsql2shp -f /Users/rachin_jain/Documents/Analysis_for_coverage/MAIL_data/test.shp -h localhost -P postgres -p 5432 -d postgres br3001.br3001_cl_parcel
g)example to load geopackage in postgress
Following is a command-line example to load geopackage (.gpkg) data to PostGIS database.
ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL "PG:user=rachinj dbname=Geocoding schemas=uk" /Users/rachin_jain/Desktop/UK/Difference/Birimingham/Differ_data_xyz.gpkg
2) Add Geometry column & update geom:-
SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('br27009','unmatched_wave_todo','geom',4326,'POINT',2);
update br27009.unmatched_wave_todo
set geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(lon::float, lat::float), 4326);
Add multiple column having default value:-
alter table b5.buildings
add column house_num varchar(255),
add column hno_is_dup bool default(false),
add column is_dup bool default(false),
add column is_in_repo bool default(false);
3) Index Query for Geometry column:-
CREATE INDEX detection_geom_sidx
ON br27009.unmatched_wave_todo USING gist (geom);
Drop INDEX br27009.MATCH_INGEST_hsn_idx1;
CREATE INDEX MATCH_INGEST_hsn_idx1 ON br27009.unmatched_wave_todo(hsn);
4) Cast Command if geomatry not updating:-
CAST(nullif(long, '') AS float )
CAST(nullif(lat, '') AS float )
update br23008_mail_build.interpolate_23008 set long = CAST(nullif(long, '') AS float )
update br23008_mail_build.interpolate_23008 set lat = CAST(nullif(lat, '') AS float )
update br23008_mail_build.interpolate_23008
set geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(long::float, lat::float), 4326);
buffer Query 10 mtr----
alter table br27009.unmatched_wave_todo
Add column pt_buff10m geometry
Update br27009.unmatched_wave_todo
Set pt_buff10m = st_buffer(geom, 0.0001)
for 0.5 mtr buffer example
alter table br27009.unmatched_wave_todo
Add column pt_buff_0_5m geometry
Update br27009.unmatched_wave_todo
Set pt_buff_0_5m = st_buffer(geom, 0.000005)
For 20 mtr:-st_buffer(geom, 0.0002)
For 50 mtr:-st_buffer(geom, 0.0005)
For 100 mtr:-st_buffer(geom, 0.0010)
5) Intersect query spatially :-
create table br27009.Detection_Todos_with20m_CL_parcel_with_matching_HSN
select a.ticket_id,a.todo_id,st_astext(a.geom),a.todo_descr,a.todo_title,a.house_number,b.addr,b.parcel_id,,b.house_num_cl
br27009.detection_todo_after_remove_matching_with_cl_parcel a,
br27009.CL_parcel_after_exclude_match_ingest_parcel b
where st_intersects(a.pt_buff20m,b.geom) and a.house_number=b.house_num_cl
6) For Checkinh Stack point of same table:-
alter table br27009.detection_todo_after_remove_null_featureid_47596
Add column pt_buff_0_5m geometry
Update br27009.detection_todo_after_remove_null_featureid_47596
Set pt_buff_0_5m = st_buffer(geom, 0.000005)
create table br27009.stack_detection_todo as
select a.* from br27009.detection_todo_after_remove_null_featureid_47596 a,
br27009.detection_todo_after_remove_null_featureid_47596 b
where st_intersects(a.pt_buff_0_5m,b.geom) and a.house_number!=b.house_number
7) Cluster Query:-
create table br16006.br16006_building_buff as
SELECT generate_subscripts((ST_ClusterWithin(geom,0.0005)),1) gid,
ST_Buffer(unnest(ST_ClusterWithin(geom,0.0005)),0.0002) geom,
ST_NumGeometries( unnest(ST_ClusterWithin(geom,0.0005))) bldg_count
FROM br16006.br16006_building;
8) Case Function:-
case when prefix is null then 'np' else 'p' end
update br27009.unmatched_wave_todo_136954
set is_detection_flag = CASE WHEN (todo_descr like '% detection%') THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END;
update br3003_analysis.cl_parcel_queens set is_flag =case when
in(select parcel_id from br3003_analysis.address_point_in_cl_parcel)) then 'Yes' else 'No' end
update br3004_analysis.temp
set low_count = (case when np_count>p_count then 'p_count' else 'np_count' end);
update br3004_analysis.temp a
set p_count = b.p_count
( select address, (case when prefix is null then 'np' else 'p' end) as pref, count(*) as p_count
from br3004_analysis.roadsegment_having_prefix_connector_mixed_apt
where prefix is not null
group by address, pref) b
where a.address = b.address;
9) Remove duplicate Value based on column:-
delete from br3001.todo_falling_in_range_3node_base where ctid in (
MIN(b.ctid) AS actid,
ARRAY_AGG(ctid) AS all_ctids
FROM br3001.todo_falling_in_range_3node_base b
GROUP BY todo_id
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) c);
10) Calculate Start Point and end point geomatry of line :-
ST_StartPoint(ST_LineMerge(geom))as geom
ST_EndPoint(ST_LineMerge(geom)) as geom
select from_node as node, ST_StartPoint(ST_LineMerge(geom))as geom
from br3001."road_segment_BR_3001"
union all
select to_node as node, ST_EndPoint(ST_LineMerge(geom)) as geom
from br3001."road_segment_BR_3001"
11) Even Odd Function:-
Even= CAST(nullif(house_number, '') AS integer) %2 = 0;
Odd= CAST(nullif(house_number, '') AS integer) %2 != 0;
12) Like ANY Array Function:-
LIKE ANY(ARRAY['%1%','%2%','%3%','%4%','%5%','%6%','%7%','%8%','%9%','%0%'])
LIKE ANY(ARRAY['% NW%','% NE%','% SW%','% SE%','% N','% E','% W','% S'])
NOT LIKE ALL (ARRAY['NW','NE','SW','SE','N','E','W','S'])
select btrim(regexp_replace("street",'(.*)( .*?)','\2')),street from br23009_feb22_deliverables6.br23009_match_ingest1
where btrim(regexp_replace("street",'(.*)( .*?)','\2')) not in (select suffix_form FROM spec.abbreviations)
and btrim(regexp_replace("street",'(.*)( .*?)','\2')) NOT LIKE ALL (ARRAY['NW','NE','SW','SE','N','E','W','S'])
13) Buffer and dissolve Query:-
ST_Union(ST_Buffer(geom, 0.0015))
drop table if exists b5.buildings_dup_buffer_dissolve;
create table b5.buildings_dup_buffer_dissolve as
select house_num, ST_Union(ST_Buffer(geom, 0.0015)) as geom
from b5.buildings where is_dup = true
---Create duplicates buffer and dissolve ---- Single part
drop table if exists b5.buildings_dup_buffer_single_part;
create table b5.buildings_dup_buffer_single_part as
select house_num, (ST_Dump(geom)).geom as geom
from b5.buildings_dup_buffer_dissolve;
14) Distance Query:-
Function:- ST_Distance(a.geom::geography, b.geom::geography)
Function:- ST_DWithin(a.geom, b.geom, 0.0015)
Example1:- (200 Mtr)
select a.*,b.* from analysis_br23003.unmatched_primary a , analysis_br23003.mail_interpolate b where
a.hsn_street = b.hsn_street and
ST_DWithin(a.geom, b.geom, 0.0020)
update nmdr.match_ingest_poi_addr a
set feature_id_tm = b.feature_id,
address_tm = b.address,
distance = round(st_distance(a.geom::geography, b.geom::geography)::numeric, 2)
from nmdr.address_points b where
upper(a.cl_address_ordinal_mod) = upper(b.address);
Points within parcels:-
Function:- ST_Within(a.geom, b.geom)
create table br4004.mail_points_within_cl_parcels as
select a.*, b.geom_repo as mail_geom
from br4004.cl_parcels a, br4004.mail2 b
where ST_Within(a.geom, b.geom)
15) Copy table data into CSV file:-
copy (select row_number() over(order by cluster_id, s_no, street, house_num) as sl_no, feature_id, house_num, street, location, is_duplicate
from b5.buildings_not_in_repo2
order by cluster_id, s_no, street, house_num)
to '/Users/rachin_jain/Documents/b5/Validation/buildings_not_in_repo.csv' with csv header delimiter ',';
Copy table data from server into csv file:-
psql -h -p 5433 -U rachin_jain -d prc_addressing_db -c "\copy (select id,gid,longitude,latitude,poi_vendor_id,poi_name,address,city_name,state_code,postal_code,country,poi_vendor_name,business_category,modified_address,fips,postal_code_final,standardized_address
from poi_vendor_data_latest.br24003_poi) to '/Users/rachin_jain/Documents/mail_creation/POI_DATA/BR24003_POI.csv'with csv header delimiter ','"
16) Substring Function :-
1)if address like "009 AB Road" then output is "9"
house_number=TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM substring(column_Name from '^[0-9]+'))
A) if address like "009 AB Road" then output is "009"
house_number=substring(column_Name from '^[0-9]+')
house_number=substring(feature_id from '^\d+$')
B) if address like "119A E 4TH ST" then output is "119A"
3) If Value like F-100234444000 THEN output is "100234444000"
a) right(feature_id ,length(feature_id)-2)
b) substring(feature_id from '[0-9]+')
c) substring(feature_id from '\d+$')
Example:- select substring(todo_id from '\d+$'),todo_id
from br3001_analysis_category.matching_interpolate
4) If address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "RD"
means from Last space value is require
a) substring(todo_title,'[A-Z]+$')
b) regexp_replace("todo_title",'(.*)( .*?)','\2')
c) split_part("todo_title" ,' ',array_length(regexp_split_to_array("todo_title" ,' '),1))
5) If address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "117 OLD FARM"
means from Last space value is not require
a) regexp_replace("todo_title",'(.*)( .*?)','\1')
a) If address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "OLD FARM RD"
b)If address like "117A OLD FARM RD" then output is "OLD FARM RD"
c) If address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "FARM RD"
d) If address like "117 Old Farm Rd" then output is "Farm Rd"
7) If address like "OLD FARM RD" then output is "OLD"
or address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "117"
substring(todo_title,'(^.*?) .*$')
Last chracter till 3 words:-
if value like this "Matching in range" and value if you want "nge" then
if value like this "117 OLD FARM RD" and value nothing came if last word less than 3
8)Position Query
a)if value like "Matching with no address house number in range" and output require
"Matching to CL "
SUBSTR(todo_descr,0,position('house' in todo_descr))
b)if value like "Matching with no address house number in range" and output require
"in range"
SUBSTR(todo_descr,position('house number' in todo_descr)+13)
split_part(todo_descr,'house number',2)
9)/* Replace Function */
if value like "Matching with no address house number in range" and output require
"Matching with no address Hno in range"
10) Bittrim function(Remove unwanted space in starting and last:-
update br23002_feb6.poi_data set combined_address=btrim(combined_address)
11) /* one letter from starting */
address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "1"
select (substring(combined_address,'\w{1}')),combined_address
from br12001_qc.mail_additional_source_match_final
where combined_address ~ '^[A-Z]{1}$'
12) /* first letter numbers */
address like "117 OLD FARM RD" then output is "117"
select combined_address,streetname,zipcode,state,city,county_code,dpv_confirm,hsn,hsn_prefix,hsn_suffix,full_hsn
from colorado.br36002_wb
where combined_address ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]+$'
13) /* just letters */
address like "1020 GUSTAFSON AVE 24060" then output is "GUSTAFSON AVE"
Example:- select (substring(combined_address,'\D+')),combined_address
from br12001_qc.mail_additional_source_match_final where combined_address ~ '^[A-Z]+$'
17) Intersect query based on attribute
select * from br3004_analysis.address_point_br3004_apt where address in(
(SELECT address FROM br3004_analysis.address_point_br3004_apt WHERE pref_conn='-' or prefix is not null)
(select address from br3004_analysis.address_point_br3004_apt where prefix is null))
18) Identify Duplicate value based on multiple value which are intersecting with 10 M buffer of any other layer Using Over Partition
Update br27009.detection_todo_68233
set is_duplicate_flag='Y' where is_duplicate_flag is null and todo_id in
(select todo_id from
(select ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY b.parcel_id,a.house_number order by b.parcel_id,a.house_number, a.feature_id asc) row_num ,a.ticket_id
from br27009.detection_todo_68233 a, br27009.cl_parcel b
where ST_Intersects(a.pt_buff10m, b.geom) ) t where t.row_num > 1 )
19)Change column name OF TABLE:-
alter table poi_vendor_data_latest.opentable Rename column "Address" to address
20) Make line between two point:-(-- Hooklines)
st_makeline(a.geom, b.geom)
create table analysis_br23002.line as
select a.* ,st_makeline(a.geom, b.geom)as geom,round(ST_Distance(a.geom::geography, b.geom::geography)::numeric, 2) as length_m,b.hsn_street as cl_street from analysis_br23002.mail_interpolate a ,analysis_br23002.unmatched_primary b
where a.hsn_street=b.hsn_street and ST_DWithin(a.geom, b.geom, 0.0020)
create table b5.hook_lines as
select t4.*
(select t1.feature_id, ST_AsText(t1.geom) as location, t1.segment_id, t1.house_num, t1.street as street_apt, t3.full_name as street_road, t2.geom as end_point,
round(ST_Distance(t1.geom::geography, t2.geom::geography)::numeric, 2) as length_m, ST_Makeline(t1.geom, t2.geom) as geom
from b5.address_points t1, b5.access_points t2, b5.road_segments t3
where t2.access_type = 'ADDRESS' and
t1.feature_id = t2.feature_id and
t2.segment_id = t3.feature_id
union all
select t1.feature_id, 'POINT('||t1.reppt_x||' '||t1.reppt_y||')' as location, t1.segment_id, t1.house_num, t1.street as street_apt, t3.full_name as street_road, t2.geom as end_point,
round(ST_Distance(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(t1.reppt_x, t1.reppt_y), 4326)::geography, t2.geom::geography)::numeric, 2) as length_m,
ST_Makeline(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(t1.reppt_x, t1.reppt_y), 4326), t2.geom) as geom
from b5.address_parcels t1, b5.access_points t2, b5.road_segments t3
where t2.access_type = 'ADDRESS' and
t1.feature_id = t2.feature_id and
t2.segment_id = t3.feature_id) t4;
21) a) Copy Schema from my local to server:-
pg_dump -C -U rachin_jain -d postgres -n poi_br23009 | psql -h -U rachin_jain -d prc_addressing_db -p 5433
Then reassign access to user:-
reassign owned by rachin_jain to du_addressdb;
b) Copy schema From server to my local:
pg_dump -C -h -U rachin_jain -d postgres -n poi_br23009 | psql -U rachin_jain -d postgres
22)Unnest Function:- (Splitting range records or / having records in multiple records.
unnest(string_to_array(segments, '/'))
If single feature id having value 123456/987546,then this commands create 2 records
in table with other column with same records.
create table br27009.address_range_final as
select *,unnest(string_to_array(segments, '/')) segment_id from br27009.address_range_with_slash
23) delete records from table:-
Delete from poi_sources.poi_br23009;
Truncate table br3001.cl_in_mail_format
Based on attribute
delete from br12001_qc.unmatched_primary where combined_address in (select combined_address from br12001_qc.delete_unmatched_primary_records )
alter table final_br11006_28.match_supressed alter column geom type geometry(point,4326) using st_geometryN(geom, 1);
25) Insert into command:-
insert into br27009.address_range_final (gid,feature_id,l_a_parity,l_a_from,l_a_to,l_a_unnum,r_a_from,r_a_to,r_a_unnum, segments,name,geom,segment_id)
select gid,feature_id,l_a_parity,l_a_from,l_a_to,l_a_unnum,r_a_from,r_a_to,r_a_unnum, segments,name,geom::geometry,feature_id from
br27009.address_range_final where segments is null;
26) Update function :-
update br4004.cl_parcels_with_bldg_n_mail_info as t1
set mail_all = t2.count
from (select gid, count(*)
from br4004.mail_points_within10m_of_cl_parcels
group by gid) t2
where t1.gid = t2.gid;
update br4004.cl_parcels_with_bldg_n_mail_info as t1
set mail_geom = t2.mail_geom,
mail_hsn_full = t2.full_hsn,
mail_addr = t2.official_a
from br4004.mail_points_within10m_of_cl_parcels t2
where t1.gid = t2.gid
update nmdr.match_ingest_poi_addr a
set feature_id = b.feature_id,
prefix = b.prefix,
pref_conn = b.pref_conn,
house_num = b.house_num,
from nmdr.address_points b
where a.feature_id is null and
a.hsn = b.house_num and
st_dwithin(a.geom, b.geom, 0.0002)
update nmdr.match_ingest_poi_addr a
set vee_exists = true
where feature_id in (select distinct feature_id
from nmdr.access_points
where access_typ = 'VEHICLE_ENTRY')
27)Unit value updating in column :-
row_number() over(order by geom) as serial_no
create table poi_vendor_data_latest.merge_poi_source_final1 as
Select row_number() over(order by geom) as serial_no,* from poi_vendor_data_latest.merge_poi_source_final
alter table poi_vendor_data_latest.merge_poi_source_final add column gid serial
28) Copy schema From local to server:
/Applications/ -C -U ezhilmathi_porchezhian -h localhost -d postgres -n s18 | psql -h -p 5433 -U ezhilmathi_porchezhian -d prc_addressing_db
copy schema From server to local:
/Applications/ -C -h -p 5433 -U ezhilmathi_porchezhian -d prc_addressing_db -n indiana_22_jan | psql -U ezhilmathi_porchezhian -h localhost -d postgres
29) /* filters out data */
1)/* one letter */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}$'
UPDATE colorado.br36002_wb
SET hsn = (substring(PriDelvNo,'\w{1}'))
WHERE PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}$'
2)/* letter numbers */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]+$'
UPDATE colorado.br36002_wb
SET hsn = (substring(PriDelvNo,'\w+'))
WHERE PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]+$'
3)/* just letters */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]+$'
4) /* letter numbers letter */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[0-9]+[A-Z]{1}$'
5)/* numbers + letters */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{2}$'
6)/* number letter - number*/
PriDelvNo ~ '^[0-9]{1}[A-Z]+[-]{1}[0-9]{1}$'
7)/* letter - number letter*/
PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[-]{1}[0-9]{1}[A-Z]{1}$'
UPDATE colorado.br36002_wb
SET hsn = (substring(PriDelvNo,'\w+'))
WHERE PriDelvNo ~ '^[A-Z]{1}[-]{1}[0-9]{1}[A-Z]{1}$'
8) /* numbers + letter*/
PriDelvNo ~ '^[0-9]+[A-Z]{1}$'
9) /* numbers letter number */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[0-9]+[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{1}$'
10)/* numers - numbers */
PriDelvNo ~ '^[0-9]+[-]{1}[0-9]+$'
30) Delete wrong geom from any layer
DELETE from multipolygons where ST_IsValid(geom)=false;
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